Thursday, October 6, 2011

Can a bad water pump make a car stall?

My car has been stalling when I slow down, like at lights or to park.

I know the water pump needs changing for a different symptom I'm having.

Is it possible the water pump is also causing my stalling problem?
Can a bad water pump make a car stall?
Most likely yes.
Can a bad water pump make a car stall?
I don't think so if you have a water pump problem the only way for it to maybe even stall the car is if the crank that the belt it on is seizing up. Is it making any screeching sounds? check the wear on the belts.. That is the only possible explanation of a stall relating to a water pump.

Usually if you have a water pump issue the vehicle will overheat.

Usually a stall could be anything could be bad plugs, wires etc

Could be a transmission problem.

Could be something with the idle.

It could be anything.
Definitely not your water pump if it bursts would only let your radiator over heat, you would be able to see it under your temperature gauge. There could be many answers to why your car would be stalling, if its standard or manual the car's idle could be really low and you would hear the car fighting to stay on when you slow down. If its automatic it could be your car that needs a very good tune up.
why keep driving the car with a bad water pump? your just going to blow it up then you'll be walking and then be asking us why your feet hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most likely, No.