They replaced the water pump and changed the antifreeze. Now the check engine light is on. I disconnected the battery and reconnected it. The light went off but then it came back on. There are no noticable problems. Could they have left a sensor unplugged?
What can cause the check engine light to come on after a new water pump?
a connector left loose is the first thing that i would look for.
What can cause the check engine light to come on after a new water pump?
With all the sensors and relays on cars these days you will find that in many instances that when you replace a part or sensor that another one in line is also bad. That's why they have code checkers. Stop by almost any parts store next time the light comes on and have the code checked. This will tell you whats wrong without going through part after part until you get it right.
It is possible that may have happened, look and see if there is anything not plugged in.
most likely it could be the crankshaft position sensor. That would definitely cause the check engine light to come on.