Its a 1996 740il
I changed my water pump on my 740il bmw and now it doesn't suck in air or is leaking fumes. what can it be?
Did it come with a O-ring that fits on the water pump?Try reinstalling it,check the O ring make sure its seated correct.GL
I changed my water pump on my 740il bmw and now it doesn't suck in air or is leaking fumes. what can it be?
Did you connect all the vacuum lines back properly? Is the air box connected?
You need to be more specific on what your problem is. First water pumps circulate coolant and water through the motor. It has nothing to do with air or fumes. If you give me a more accurate description I might be able to help.
Repost your question is very confusing..
Repost your question is very confusing /////////////