Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hod do i change a water pump on a 2003 pontiac montana?

please include video if possible.
Hod do i change a water pump on a 2003 pontiac montana?
first drain coolant then loosen the 4 bolts to the water pump pull With the belt still on it, remove the belt and then remove all bolts there 10mm if i remember right... then clean surface's use just a bit of rtv to holt the gasket in place and reinstall the bolts and tighten, don't over tighten.. then install the pulley , install belt and then tighten the bolts for the water pump pulley...fill it up with coolant and using a 7mm wrench loosen the weep plug that right above the water pump..gets All the air out of the coolant system... once you see coolant tighten it back up...

let it run till the fans come on ... when it does your all set..

good luck.
Hod do i change a water pump on a 2003 pontiac montana?
I would recommend a repair manual from Auto Zone. HAYNES 38036. Very easy to use. Very great to have. I personally have a library of them from every vehicle I have ever owned. Well worth the $25.00. Good luck.