I bought a water pump and need to know what I need to do to change this water pump in my car I need pictures and how to. I can't afford to have it done professionally
How to repair water pump on a 1994 buick skylark?
First thing you do if you're going to turn the wrench yourself is go to Autozone, the library, or somewhere and get yourself a repair manual. Haynes or Chilton's books have pictures as well as step by step instructions, and they only run $20 or so. Even if you don't do the work yourself, its a good idea to look through the book so you know what's involved so you can throw the B.S. flag when someone tries to overcharge you.
Second, find an automotive forum that specializes in your type of vehicle. Gearheads can warn you in advance of any gotchas involved with your particular problem.
Its easier if you have a car that a lot of tuners or amateur racers have (like my Neon and Focus....), but there's a lot of Buicks out there, I'm sure you can find something.
How to repair water pump on a 1994 buick skylark?
start learning to take the bus.
when removing the old put every nut/washer/bolt onto the new one as you remove from the old one (that's your picture) bolt into place,hope that does it for you.
If you need to ask on Yahoo answers where to go about getting the instructions on this job, then I suspect you do not have any experience with automotive repair.
The cost in tools alone that you need to do this job will outweigh getting it done by someone.
If you need, you should find a friend who has more automotive experience who might be able to help you both in labor and tools for the price of a case of beers.
Or if you are desperate, I suppose you can call up the local automotive school and see if some students would be willing to give it a shot for cheap.
Otherwise you need to call more shops to find one willing to work for cheap (craigslist maybe for some out of work mechanics?)