the cap on water recepticle the pressure was so strong that it nearly blew the hoses off. Why did it do this, we do not have a lot of money.
We just changed the water pump on 1999 but when we replaced?
does your radiator cap have the correct pressure rating?
We just changed the water pump on 1999 but when we replaced?
Sounds like you might have an air lock in the system. Let it run for a while with the rad cap off. It will spew a lot of rad fluid but eventually it will burp the air out. Then add more fluid to it.
what engine do you have? the pressure should be at 16 lbs. You can get a shop or autozone,oreilly's to do a pressure test on your cooling system. if it is over 16lbs you may have a bad head gasket. they will put a gauge on the coolent tank and run the engine.
I don't know how much pressure you have, but all cars have pressure to move the water faster to help cool.any were from 6 to 22 lbs.