How difficult and how much time to change the water pump on an 02 Buick Rendevous?
Anyone change a water pump on a 02 Rendevous?
Talk about conflicting answers ~~ I would suggest you go to an auto supply and purchase a repair manual fot your car, about $20, but if you are going to diy you might as well invest in the needed equipment. It's not a bad job if you have the correct info.
Anyone change a water pump on a 02 Rendevous?
2 to 5 hours, its a pain in the bum, especially if you dont have the right tools, big pain, probly just end up costing you the 500 bucks to get a mechanic to unscrew your car
It's easy if it's a 3.4 Liter engine , thats what should be in there.
I could probally change it in like 40 min.
If you have minimal experience with repairs like this bring it in should be like 75$, might want to get a coolant flush done also.