sure I have turned the crank 20 degrees and removed the tensioner but still don%26#039;t have enough slack. Is it safe to turn the crank more than 20 degrees? Thanks.|||Ray did you start at top dead center? If not put the tensioner back in and bring the timing mark back up or BE SURE BY removing the back bank #1 spark plug and bring the piston all the way up. Then remove the tensioner and with a friend your finger on the chain tensioner rail have the crank turn counter clock wise approx 20 to 30 degrees you will feel the chain guide rail bottom out. Now is there enough chain slack? Did you find the special block drain hole? under the thermostat drain the coolant then use 2, 8mm bolts pull out the pump replace the pump using Vasoline on the two different size O rings the new pump should slide all the way in then rebolt the 3, 6mm bolts.
Note when you start up the car it will rattle really bad! Chain slack with old sytle tensioner and rails may take 30 minutes to quiet down. And Most of all do not rev the engine it may jump timing and break off exhaust valves. Keep the Rpms low until the rattle gos away.